Root Canal Treatment
At Oraderm Care Clinic our goal is to keep your teeth healthy to prevent losing them later on. If your tooth has a deep cavity, a crack or breaks, bacteria can accumulate and cause infection to the nerve/pulp tissue. Pain or swelling are signs that you may have an infected tooth. Other signs may include a darkened tooth or swelling of the gums. If you notice pain when you chew, have a toothache, or your tooth is extremely sensitive to hot or cold, these are signs that you need a root canal treatment. If left untreated, this infection can even affect your jawbone, your overall physical health and may even lose the tooth entirely. If you are not experiencing any pain in your tooth that doesn’t mean you don’t need a root canal, a simple x-ray will determine if you need one.
A Root Canal Treatment can help you save your tooth and keep your smile as natural as possible.